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Where've I been?


I've been absent, but I'm back. Rest assured I've been sewing, just not blogging about it, but I am on vacation this week and plan to describe all the fun I've been having for the past several months. Both my travels and my projects.

But first, my excuses:

  • Health scare: Not cancer, but I had to have surgery to find that out.

  • Aenghus, my Grand-dog: With my daughter in Hawaii and her boyfriend deployed in the middle east, I had several months with Aenghus the Irish Wolfhound while he was recovering from chemotherapy. What a grand dog he is, the embodyment of joy, hope and optimism.

  • Travel: For work and for pleasure. I'm going to describe the fun trips only!

A list of my notable travels since the last blog are below.


The Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival

I attended my very first quilt festival. I I enjoyed the shops and exhibits, but particularly enjoyed the long arm quilting classes. I took several: 2 from Kris Viera from Quilter on the Run, and her beginning longarm class moved me forward by leaps and bounds. I took a class with Sue Heinz of Kismet Quilting, which was a drawing class, and purchased every one of her books and several of her tools. She's a wonderful instructor with a great sense of humor. And last but certainly not least, a class taught by Julia Quiltoff, an award winning quilter and inspirational teacher.

Save the dates for the 2025 festival. I hope to attend again.

The Pacific Northwest


Laurel, MS

My Next Blog: Projects I've been working. Check back soon!


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